Well-being Affirmations and the power of your Crystals.

Did you know that your daily affirmations can be amplified with the use of crystal? 

Affirmations are one of the best ways to start your well-being journey. Talking and thinking about yourself in a positive loving way is so important to our well-being. 

The only person that you need love from is yourself. 

Here are some easy ways to do your affirmations:

  • Talk to yourself in a positive way
  • Think only loving thoughts about yourself. 
  • Write your affirmations in your journal. 

Practice your affirmations with crystals to amply the energy you put out. Crystals have different properties and benefits and when you add these to your daily affirmation practice you will enhance the vibration energy you release. What you release is what you will get returned. 

Start your day with an affirmation ritual and include your crystals. 

  • Select your crystal depending on your affirmation of the day
  • Place the crystal in your hand and take a deep breath in and out while saying or thinking about your affirmation. 
  • Or place the crystal on your desk while you write in your journal. 

Here are some simple affirmations and the best crystals to use:

  1. For Self-Love try adding Rose Quartz to your affirmations. I radiate grace, joy, confidence and beauty.
  2. I am proud of myself! I got to where I am today all by myself and I am happy that I get to be the best version of myself today. Include Tigers Eye with this affirmation.  
  3. Today I am growing as a person and creating a better version of myself. Amethyst is a great crystal for spiritual and personal growth.
  4. I am successful and lucky. I am grateful for everything that I have and everything that comes my way. New Jade is known for its luck and prosperity. 

You can create your unique affirmations each day and select your crystals accordingly. Why not check out my Well-being Shop for any crystals you may need to enhance your daily affirmations?

Make Self-Love a priority every day and you will soon notice the difference in your overall well-being.   

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